We are currently accepting students for the 2025-2026 school year!   Learn More

Voted Best Preschool
in Idaho Falls!

Kids Learning

Engaging & Fun Learning

Everything done at The Cat & the Fiddle Preschool has an educational purpose and is taught in a way that is engaging and fun for your child.

Quality Preschool Educators

Quality Educators

Input from dozens of educators and hundreds of parents have grown, improved, and are continually evolving programs for the benefit of the wonderful children who attend.

Skill Building Kids

Skill Building

The Cat & the Fiddle Preschool’s curriculum teaches 3-4-year-olds the necessary skills to excel in kindergarten and beyond.

This just in! 2024 Summer Camps!

Happy Summer! We are so excited to be offering some fun themed summer camps this year! Each camp (each day is an individual camp) will be from 9am – 11am and will be held at the preschool. The cost for each summer camp (day) is $35 or bundle and save with four camps for $125. Each camp will include a snack, art projects, learning, playtime, and so much fun! Open to ages 3 – 8. Must be potty trained.

New! Let us host your child’s birthday!

The Cat and the Fiddle is a wonderful option for birthday parties for your child. Ideal for two-five-year-olds, we provide the set-up, treats, activities, crafts, and clean-up so you can have a fun and memorable party for your kiddo and a stress-free party for you!